
Kiss my American Legal IQ

What is BILL OF PAINS AND PENALTIES ? A special act of the legislature which inflicts a punishment, less than death, upon persons supposed to be guilty of treason or felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings. It differs from a bill of attainder in this: that the punishment inflicted by the latter is death. East Precinct of Portland Police 503 823 4800  Officer Price,  This is to verify our conversation and allow you to clarify the message your words send. “I’m a parent and if I was in your daughter’s set of circumstances (fearing arrest during personal police contact when reporting the rape of your child), I would go take care of my WARRANTS and then get my child some help”. That my calling to report the rape of my grandson in a foster home is ‘just extra’ because DHS/CPS workers were already talking about it since they hold the Power of the Pen. That I should trust DHS and call them with my concerns because I have no Powe...

ASFA; Clinton Chronicles - "...And some of the women were teen aged girls..."

Hitler & Hitler-y; Clinton Chronicles: History of Allegations "...And some of the women were teen aged girls..." L ooking back; Should have they; she, him, the former occupiers of the Oval Office, been identified as the 'new' Hitler?; And he and his first lady, was in the Oval Office when Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was enacted. Why does this ex-president, with what was alleged, get to define bonuses to CPS for the removal of children? Is that what was originally intended? Do the Clinton's get a cut? President Nixon's; "I am not a crook": Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Signed into law by President Nixon on January 31, 1974, CAPTA is considered the “first significant effort of the federal government to improve the response to physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse.”1 A report put out to mark this anniversary by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau chronicles the history of ...

"...You know what step 4 is...What...'STEPCON'...are we are at?

"Best Interests of course" says, Nancy Schaefer sarcastically when defining CPS intentions.... as Ariana Escobar describes her struggle against a caseworker who ignored her cries of rape while her dad desperately tries to get her to tell police who have limited jurisdiction on her cries against rape. Proverbs 22:16 One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty. Marilyn LeBaron Who initiated Contact between Michael Cadena and Amber Linder? REPLY Marilyn LeBaron 18 hours ago Deputy Amber Linder, Harris Sheriff Department may be the last person to see Ariana Escobar, but I do not know the timeline on the date she was instructed by her father to contact this Amber Linder, and the exact date Ariana actually went missing, how many times she ran away. Deputy Amber, who could be an impostor, but then again she may be helping this family get justice. Who really knows? But...