Kiss my American Legal IQ

What is BILL OF PAINS AND PENALTIES ? A special act of the legislature which inflicts a punishment, less than death, upon persons supposed to be guilty of treason or felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings. It differs from a bill of attainder in this: that the punishment inflicted by the latter is death. East Precinct of Portland Police 503 823 4800 Officer Price, This is to verify our conversation and allow you to clarify the message your words send. “I’m a parent and if I was in your daughter’s set of circumstances (fearing arrest during personal police contact when reporting the rape of your child), I would go take care of my WARRANTS and then get my child some help”. That my calling to report the rape of my grandson in a foster home is ‘just extra’ because DHS/CPS workers were already talking about it since they hold the Power of the Pen. That I should trust DHS and call them with my concerns because I have no Powe...