ASFA; Clinton Chronicles - "...And some of the women were teen aged girls..."
Hitler & Hitler-y; Clinton Chronicles: History of Allegations
"...And some of the women were teen aged girls..."
Looking back; Should have they; she, him, the former occupiers of the Oval Office, been identified as the 'new' Hitler?;
And he and his first lady, was in the Oval Office when Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was enacted. Why does this ex-president, with what was alleged, get to define bonuses to CPS for the removal of children? Is that what was originally intended? Do the Clinton's get a cut?
President Nixon's; "I am not a crook":
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Signed into law by President Nixon on January 31, 1974, CAPTA is considered the “first significant effort of the federal government to improve the response to physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse.”1 A report put out to mark this anniversary by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau chronicles the history of governmental responses to child abuse and neglect, and the evolution of CAPTA
About CAPTA: A Legislative History
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