Kiss my American Legal IQ

Officer Price,
This is to verify our conversation and allow you to clarify the message your words send.
“I’m a parent and if I was in your daughter’s set of circumstances (fearing arrest during personal police contact when reporting the rape of your child), I would go take care of my WARRANTS and then get my child some help”.
That my calling to report the rape of my grandson in a foster home is ‘just extra’ because DHS/CPS workers were already talking about it since they hold the Power of the Pen.
That I should trust DHS and call them with my concerns because I have no Power of Attorney as a grandmother.
That if I would like to complain about Child Protective Services, a State Agency, I should call the head office of CPS someplace in the Capitol, in Salem, you guess.
That like police, who handle internal investigations of their officers, it is ok for CPS to do the same, because foster homes are supervised by CPS, and not actually a CPS employee.
I don't know how may lies you have heard and believe or tell yourself to actually believe all that above.
Fact: To the best of my recollection I did not tell you the CPS (Child Protective Services) did not screen the alleged rapist prior to placing my grandchildren there. Just a heads up. Under those circumstances I do believe breech of trust is exactly they issue.
Question: Officer Price, If you ran amuck or was unable to attend to your family and DHS had your kids, and they were getting raped, would you like you mother to be ignored as is she was ‘just extra’?
Fact: Adoption Lawyer on this case was assigned to Nolan and Victoria got Youth Rights so it is clear they intend to separate the kids and adopt Nolan out but leave Victoria in foster home.
With that in mind and the possibility you don't understand how CPS got so much power and the assign to the Power of Attorney of the 'a child' and can put them anywhere if they say, "Emergency!"; and you limited knowledge and scope of view of the history of this case; How can you blindly say, "Go trust the system to judge itself when they can plead the fifth and have the same rights as a criminal; and they don't have to hand evidence over to the DA to prosecute themselves; but you expect us to as parents to hand ourselves over to the prosecutor in order to protect our children from being raped in the very system set up to 'protect' them; when DHS/CPS, in opposite, do not even when criminally negligent"; and burden or proof is now on my five year old grandson.
If that is what you really meant to say, I find you to be a very confused man and believe you have missed the point of your own American worth. But, while you think on what your words to me really mean please consider the following Facts and I will sincerely thank you for your time and really appreciate your efforts to rephrase your selections of words to me and please send another message worthy of American thinking.
While you do please ponder the Facts:
Fact: Nathan Allan Stevens name is not on the petition.
Fact: The petition filed on the court was directed at the mother... [Name Redacted]
Fact: Father [Name Redacted] will not get a trial to terminate his parental rights. Shannon Stevens, as per Father [Name Redacted]'s authorization and order has Power of Attorney for son, [Name Redacted].
Fact: A family member is available to care for son, [Name Redacted].
Fact: son, [Name Redacted]’s court appointed attorney handles 55% adoptions as her clients.
Fact: There is no such living soul with the given name son [Name Redacted] in my family tree
Fact: I do not address the court but to hold them criminally liable.
Fact: A MOTION TO SHOW CAUSE has not been set before the court to prove son should not be sent to grandmother’s home.
Fact: Grandmother’s would like to have grandson in her home rather than at risk of harm being bounced from foster home to foster home.
Fact: As of the date 04/30/2018 son and his sister have been moved from foster home to foster home three times.
Fact: They have been moved twice since and a family member would have provided more stability.
Fact: School of origin is legislated to provide stability to foster children.
Fact: Permanency has not been established nor can be while my grandchildren are being bounced from foster home to foster home.
Fact: Family is not given the same consideration in ease of filing as the DHS is given.
Fact: DHS is listed as Counsel on Court documents and are not a Bar Association.
Fact: Father has assigned Power of Attorney to his mother over his son’s matters.
Fact: Father has not received any discovery as to why his son is not returned to his mother as per his instructions.
Fact: Father's son, has been moved from foster home to foster home for the past 6 months.
Fact: Senator Nancy Schaefer’s Congressional report stated death is six times more likely to be the outcome of a foster child under the care of the state than in the ‘general population’ and harm is more likely to come to a foster child after the state gets involved.
Fact: Father's name is only listed on a safety plan instead of a court petition.
Fact: Permanent Termination of Parental Rights is the Equivalent of the Death Penalty in a Criminal Case.
Fact: Father has never been charged with a Capitol offense to deserve the Death Penalty.
Fact: If Father was Charges with a Capitol offense he would receive a Trial by Jury prior to sentencing.
Fact: DHS is listed as Counsel on the court petition.
Fact: Only man can move the court.
Fact: No living soul has moved the court on this matter except me and i demanded the case be sealed
See: Bill of Pains and Penalties
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The entire United States Civilian population
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Time of Incident*
around 1 PM
Names and badge numbers of officers involved (if known)
Every police officer who ever escorted CPS (Child Protection Agents) to the front door of any civilian in these United States. Aiding the money tree shakers to gain Federal Funds and their end of year cash bonuses and adoption bonuses on an on and on... Money Money Money cash for kids... $$$$$$$$.... You all are guilty of shaking the money tree...
Names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses (if known)
Go do a census of all the children raped in foster care and call them yourself if you think you have the political influence to do so.
Which I doubt!!!!!!!!!
Your hands are tied, your immunity shines, and your duty is elsewhere at the front door of the families you help rip apart when acting as stand by body guards to the DHS/CPS. . . etc...
Please provide a brief description of the incident below
I was reporting the rape of my grandson in foster care and my daughter's fear of arrest if she contacts the police and makes a report. I was requesting an external investigation to hold CPS criminally liable. But, this Officer Price seemed to think he was the Public Defender for the DHS himself personally and I find his choice of words very insulting and in blatant disregard of my grandson's worth.
It is apparent to me he has a delusion that paying a bondsman somehow will rectify the rape my son suffered at the hands of a negligent Child Protection Worker who put him in the home of an unlicensed foster provider. (Not made clear to him though) but still, in spite of not knowing that he stated he considers the internal investigative capacity given to police over their own chain of command is equivalent on the case where CPS can plead the fifth amendment by right when criminally liable and that I should trust them and go to them instead of him opening a criminal liability inquiry and gaining evidence in support of that before the evidence vanishes. But, I guess a blanket of good faith covers a multitude of DHS sin in his eyes... and yes, I agree it does... And, no, I will not extent any good faith to the DHS/CPS and refuse to follow his example. Senator Nancy Schaefer has gone on a world tour to call them a GROWING CRIMINAL POLITICAL PHENOMENON... So, he is in the dark ages on that and I guess you may be, too. They have taken more children they have foster homes for and are shipping them out of state and my grandson was put in with a disgusting obese tattooed man who was so disgusting that I cringed at the sight of him and reported that. Now my grandson is saying he his getting pocked in the naked but and then is expressing disgust that he has to watch him walk around without a shirt on after... But, Officer Price did not hear that because I talked to my daughter again after we hung up. But, the other officer I spoke to did hear that and I have voice recording of her exact words so please take that into consideration if you do tell him to mince his words in a kinder light when telling me my daughter should take care of her warrants then go get help for my grandson while the forensics of anal swelling vanish, and a rape kit is not done for semen and my grandson's testimony is not collected under in camera inspection. Uh, hun...
I do not believe it is in the 'best interests', QUOTING HITLER, for a mother who has warrants out to have to pay a bondsman and submit herself for prosecution to have her son protected from a rapist. I could just SCREAM AND CUSS, which I did after talking to him to another police man that tried to help, who had to ask me several times to stop yelling, but I lost all my feeling in my physical body and I think I closed my eyes or was blinded temporarily and all I was physically aware of is the pain in the top of my head from my eyes to the top of my ears and above and could only feel the head ache while I was trying to think. I got trapped in my head ache from talking and talking and talking and feeling ignored due to all the rights criminal's have when this matter is in civil court and the burden of proof is much lower, where and allegation raised and not refuted becomes a fact in court record and families are cut off from one another, but on the other hand the crimes committed against children while in the custody of the state a higher standard is enforces by police and the burden of proof is shifted to the civilian population which is not equal protection of the law and need immediate redress....Please begin that redress of grievance on my families behalf and quote me telling him, "Kiss my American Legal IQ, go pay respect to your state Flag, and ask him to stop vomiting words that symbolically fall like pee on the graves of Veterans who died in wars protecting and upholding the Constitution and tell him Equal protection of the law does not click into place when the bondsman gets promise to pay on a failure to appear and put a bar of soap in his mouth and pass it around to anybody else who believes that a visit to the Sheriff's Office is the first step to bringing a child rapist to justice while the evidence vanishes and CPS cover their tracks! And just say, "No thank you" for me to his aiding the escape of just one more child predator who poses as a foster provider while he just stayed his hand and acted like the personally assigned Public Defender of the CPS and that he can go find a rock in the pit of hell, next to the one designated to Bill Clinton's, which may be found someplace right next to Lucifer's throne, and ask him to dump his words under it and I will forgive him for his insults to my grandson's emergency needs to escape a rapist who is probably still free! Amen.
Mad Cow
Sun 7/14/2019 2:24 PM
FORENSIC CONFUSION ALERT! I will assert I TOLD YOU, but not each and every one of you, that my grandchildren and the previous allegation of rape would offer a child rapist a cover of forensic confusion. No one listened to me! You are liable. So, go ahead an cover your assets, like you expect CPS to do, and know they will.
Melanie told me Helmar Lochman is the one telling her she has warrants...
i demand you find out what the DHS, or CPS, or your SCU has done to prevent this and if anybody checked up on my grand children (in camera inspection) on their feelings and Video Affidavit of rape in foster care or prior for that matter. I will not accept the word of any of you! I DEMAND in camera inspection away from DHS and in the presence of a qualified child rape therapist not contracting with DHS. Any thing else is not to specification because children are not required to repeat themselves once deposed by in camera inspection. So, a street police officer will not do.
You are all liable and probably working right next to a child rapists or somebody who is pimping foster kids out like I suspect is going on in Texas, Florida, Ohio, Washington D.C., Oregon, Nevada, New York... if YOUR ARE NOT not, ONE OF THEM... please WAKE THE HELL UP and see how easy it is to get access to children...
Please go to Netflix and watch 'The Keepers' and bear witness to my knowledge of how children do not come forward easily and the Prosecution HAS to prove each allegation on its own merits, unlike DHS, who can just bring your head in a basket, a la cart on a SAFETY PLAN, and any other family member can be disqualified without a hearing at all. All at the Pen Power of the DHS/CPS worker, star chamber style, without one single objection from the hoard of attorneys on this case. So, you can see that nobody there does any thing but wait for a timer to tick and the money they get for standing there. Please, tale a long had look!
Where is the blessing God game to man's seed and your family's right to a blood line, or family tree, while adoption lawyers just wait in the wings for the clock to tick on a timer they can speed up with Fast Track Adoptions and there is NO HEARING AT ALL LET ALONE A TRIAL on the other parent's permanent termination of parental rights? I know Hitler would approve. So would pre-Civil War plantation masters of the former Negro Slave. And while you ponder on that please consider the 'X' of the Negro who was allowed to contract (for the fist time) and sign his own 'X', because he could not spell his name, and then look at the fourteenth amendment and ask, Has DHS taken the place of the plantation master if a SAFETY PLAN (which is not an actual petition) is all the Adoption lawyer needs, and a timer to ding, to put my grandson up for adoption, and you all can just sit and wonder if he actually got raped, because Melanie told me she was offered the children back just the other day, 07/12/2019, while I was screaming at a police men, 911 operators, the SCU, and other... which went on all day from shortly after my daughter texted me Nolan had been raped.
But, she, instead of calling 911, for fear of arrest, she things it better to go tell the people responsible for the violation of his care, who still hold the Pen Power, as it was pointed out to me I do not have it. But, i say i do, by my God given obligation and eternal responsibility predestined to me, by my blood linage to me by the Creator of Mankind. That is my religious belief and my eternal obligation to my heirs and I will assert my Right and will not back down. I am the only Pen in my family that has a Legal IQ. But, if you prefer, and then blame the victim, who is five, for not knowing how to call 911, and just say, poor poor child and mother, they were just "Sheep to the slaughter", and think she can hold their Power of Attorney while you put them under duress to come to the bail bondsman before you can hear a cry of child rape from a mother who has been raped herself, and abused by a potential serial rapist, and lived in fear for her life, and could not call 911, for fear of being arrested and her children put right where they are right now, you can all go to the same rock in hell I asked Officer Price to go vomit under and you can go mix your own vomit with his, because if you do than you are in league with a demon and not a man.
But, not that I am going to drag you to all my legal research or throw every argument at you right here and now in this reprimand but I will tell you I have by my legal stupidity signed the BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND and am a party, lawfully, weather congress likes it or not, and am the Power of Attorney on that matter the Attorneys all milk, the Courts, DHS all milk, and they BOND THAT LIVES ON FOREVER, maybe should die, when a living soul dies, but it does not.
My Power of Attorney is not void, but has been by assign of Congress to the DHS, without my authorization or direct notice, as is required by law in the matters of the assign, and reassign, or your own Power of Attorney, and there can only be one at a time retained, and special notices to the court must be filed upon the court, but are not in the case where CPS agents are replaced, removed, or fired, on the matters to each of the kids, and to them and you it all seems right and in order due to your own lack of legal training, but just go and ask for a consultation with one attorney and see if they ask, "Do you already have another Attorney retained", and tell you they will not advise you until the other Attorney has been dismissed, (courtesy or competition?), I say both and neither depending on what point of law applies, but to them I have never extended by legal retainer agreements the DHS, or allowed my family to be put op to a guillotine of technicalities to have a father executed and be left to get raped, but to you and them you will say, the voice of reason is void, and the criminally accountable caseworker will get to wiled my Family tree's Pen.
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